Java Course

Here are some (Hebrew) lecture notes for a crash course on the Java Programming Language I once gave. In some places they are complete and in other places they are only sketches of what I actually taught. They are in Hebrew MS-Word 97 format. This course was intended for people with some programming background.

Lecture 1

Handout 1


Lecture 2


Exercise 2

Lecture 3

Handout 3

Exercise 3

Lecture 4

Handout 4


Naming Conventions



Course Outline:

  1. What is Java?
  2. Very short introduction to OOP.
  3. Objects in Java
  4. Interfaces
  5. Extension (inheritence)
  6. Advanced use of extension
  7. Exceptions
  8. Some Java features:
  9. The Java API
  10. Threads and Networking


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